一連3日為利民會安排了一個基礎烘焙工作坊完滿結束嘞! – Aug 2024

又再一次擺市集,今次係將軍澳呀! – June 2024

Hi Hi 好難得的一張合照,一個企唔直…一個合埋眼…一個好正經…哈哈!
係呀,我地再次參與市集,今次地點係中環街市! – Apr 2024

今年再次為鄰舍輔導會派發月餅俾老人家,祝願大家中秋節快樂 – Sept 2023

辛苦晒咁多位努力完成今次為老友記準備的月餅及曲奇,仲有應節的燈籠添,希望各位老友記喜歡啦! – Sept 2024

6/24 (Sat) 及6/25 (Sun) 參與赤柱美利樓市集擺檔

今個新年做了一些曲奇送給一班老友記,祝願大家開開心心食曲奇、健健康康過肥年! – Jan 2023

今日黎姑娘送來的聖誕禮物,由她們的學員親手做的,好靚,謝謝黎姑娘及利民會的學員!大家有興趣,可瀏覽她們Facebook page: Colore 可來兒手作雜貨 – Dec 2022

食物製造牌已續了 – Nov 2022

好開心能為佛學社製作月餅及曲奇,祝願大家中秋快樂、身體健康! – Sept 2022

恭祝各位鄰舍輔導會老人家中秋節快樂 – Sept 2022

Grand opening was completed. Thanks so much for all the greetings and sending us the flower & fruit hamper to celebrate this special day. Hope you all like our return gift. All cookies are made by Yvonne.

New location – 6H, Block B, Hop Hing Industrial Building, 704 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok

Open soon! We’re so excited to start a new page in our new place and looking forward to making more interesting memories. – Updated in July 2022

Time to say goodbye at Lamma City, we’re going to move to a new place, stay tuned!

New corner furniture!

26 April 2018  


May all you wishes come true in 2018. 祝各位可在2018年夢想成真.

31, DEC 2017

Kouglof Class on 26, DEC 2017 Such a happy moment.


Christmas is coming!!!

May all your dreams come true!!! Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!!! 13DEC17


We are almost ready

Renovation of our workshop is almost finished. Next stage is the internal preparation work. We will try our best to make it fast and meet you as soon as possible. 15SEP17